Posted” 2/8/18 | February 8th, 2018

Kristin Addis from Be My travel Muse writes our regular column on solo female travel. It’s a topic I can’t cover so I brought her on to cover topics and particular issues essential other women travelers! In this month’s column, Kristin reminisces on the lessons learned from traveling solo.

“You’re going across the world by yourself?! Es-tu sûr?”

You’ve heard it before, right? someone who implies well and tries to talk you out of traveling solo, mentioning all kinds of things that could go wrong.

They can be pretty convincing, focusing heavily on the negative — but completely forgetting that there are so numerous much more positives that come from travel.

What about all of the things that could go right?

There are things that only solo female travelers get to experience (things that just don’t happen when you’re traveling with someone else). It’s like a club that practically anybody can get into but few know about. but for those of us who have done it, we know that it’s not as scary as we thought, and much much more gratifying than we ever imagined possible.

Traveling the world solo has taught me numerous lessons and made me realized there are some truths you only learn when you travel the world solo:

1. It’s way much more exciting to try new food on the other side of the world — and find that we absolutely love it – than it is to go to a swanky restaurant back home.

2. An exotic dish somehow tastes better when we eat it with our hands. With our shoes off, while sitting on the floor.

3. Being in a hammock on a tropical beach, viewing the waves roll in, whether all on our own or surrounded by new friends, is worth the mosquito bites.

4. We can say “hello” and “thank you” in much more languages than your fancy car has gears.

5. playing with a child in another language is much more warming than all the designer sweaters in the world.

6. people are beautiful everywhere, in every shade, shape, and size, and there is absolutely no singular charm standard.

7. There is no greater rush than purchasing a plane ticket to a place that we alone want to see and that we alone picked out.

8. It is sexier to have much more stamps in a passport than watches and fancy purses.

9. A sugar rush is somehow sweeter when we’re sitting in Europe eating a chocolate croissant with a whole day of adventures ahead of us.

10. It doesn’t matter what someone is wearing, where they’re from, or what their savings account looks like. If they can carry an intelligent conversation halfway across the world, we’re much more than pleased to hang onto their every word.

11. Espresso really does taste better in Italy, and Panang curry really does taste better in Thailand.

12. knowing what it looks like when the sun sets over the ocean on the other side of the globe is worth much more than all the Instagram likes in the world.

13. The Facebook news feed is a lot less interesting when we have an entire day of adventures ahead of us, with no plans, no obligations, and no strings attached.

14. maybe makeup and hair products and straighteners and Spanx aren’t all that necessary, and we look fantastic just the way we are.

15. The heartbreak later is worth the fling best here and now with this beautiful stranger with an accent from far away and the guarantee of an adventure.

16. being able to say “yes” without having to check in with anybody first feels so damn freeing and satisfying.

17. being able to say “no” without worrying about offending anybody or feeling obligated feels even much more powerful than saying “yes” sometimes.

18. We’re braver than we thought.

19. We’re capable of doing things that a year ago would have terrified us.

20. No classroom anywhere will ever be a better learning environment than going it alone on the road.

21. No boardroom, job interview, or house party where we don’t know anybody will ever intimidate us again because we know what it’s like to go solo to a country where absolutely nothing is familiar and everything is new. and we handled it like a boss.

22. There were a few mistakes and “learning experiences” here and there, but we’re better off for them.

23. Out of all of the things we learned, many of all we’ll remember that we are capable individuals with a better understanding of how we fit into the world now, and that’s something that will be beneficial for the rest of our lives.

24. When the trip is over, we’ll remember these things that only we know, and what we’re capable of — and probably start researching plane flights again.

We solo female travelers know that traveling alone is an incredible gift. It gives us a chance to develop our confidence, make all of the decisions about where we want to go and what we want to do, and be the CEO of our own lives and adventures.

This confidence and ability carries over into our daily lives long after the trip is over.

Our loved ones’ worry aNd mal comprise existera probablement toujours. Rebandonner quelques remarques bien intentionnées mais non informées vient simplement avec le territoire. Vous pouvez souvent montrer à ces opposants par exemple à quel point cela peut être fantastique.

Si vous n’avez pas encore voyagé en solo mais que vous voulez vraiment savoir qui vous êtes et ce que vous êtes fait, allez à l’autre côté du monde et préparez-vous à être étonné. Ne laissez rien vous retenir – vous méritez de voir le monde selon vos propres conditions.

Kristin Addis est une experte en voyage en solo qui inspire les femmes à parcourir le monde d’une manière authentique et aventureuse. Ancien banquier d’investissement qui a vendu tous ses biens en 2012, Kristin a parcouru le monde pendant bien plus de huit ans. Vous pouvez trouver beaucoup plus de ses écrits sur Be My Travel Muse ou sur Instagram et Facebook.

Réservez votre voyage: suggestions et astuces logistiques
Réservez votre vol
Trouvez un vol bon marché en utilisant Skyscanner. C’est mon moteur de recherche préféré car il recherche des sites et des compagnies aériennes du monde entier, donc vous savez toujours qu’aucune pierre n’est laissée.

Réservez votre hébergement
Vous pouvez réserver votre auberge avec HostelWorld. Si vous voulez rester ailleurs qu’une auberge, utilisez Booking.com car ils renvoient régulièrement les tarifs les plus abordables pour les maisons d’hôtes et les hôtels.

N’oubliez pas l’assurance voyage
L’assurance voyage vous protégera contre la maladie, les blessures, le vol et les annulations. C’est une protection étendue au cas où quelque chose se passe mal. Je ne vais jamais en voyage sans cela car j’ai dû l’utiliser à plusieurs reprises dans le passé. Mes entreprises préférées qui offrent le meilleur service et la meilleure valeur sont:

Safetywing (mieux pour tout le monde)

Assurer mon voyage (pour ceux de plus de 70 ans)

MedJet (pour une couverture d’évacuation supplémentaire)

Prêt à réserver votre voyage?
Consultez ma page de ressources pour les meilleures entreprises à utiliser lorsque vous voyagez. J’énumère tous ceux que j’utilise lorsque je voyage. Ils sont les meilleurs de la classe et vous ne pouvez pas vous tromper en les utilisant lors de votre voyage.

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